Jan 27, 2010

Danica Patrick Super Bowl Commercial!

With Danica Patrick making her stock car debut in the ARCA race at Daytona on the same weekend as the Super Bowl, you just know that her sponsor, GoDaddy.com, would take full advantage with a new round of Super Bowl ads.

Here's one of them that shows her as Kelly LeBrock from "Weird Science" and Jennifer Beals from "Flashdance":

“We thought we’d pay homage to some of these classic movie scenes with our iconic role model and add our traditional GoDaddy-esque touch,” said Bob Parsons, the company’s CEO and founder.

GoDaddy.com has had several Super Bowl ads rejected by network censors in the past, but the latest three featuring Patrick have been approved.

“All of our new commercials are visually beautiful and very funny,” Patrick who appeared in Sports Illustrated’s 2008 and 2009 Swimsuit issues, said. “These ads are all top-notch.”

The scene Patrick reprises from ‘Seven Year Itch”, when Marilyn Monroe’s dress blows up as she stands over a subway grate, was filmed in Glendale Arizona and according to reports drew a large crowd.

While company officials would not say how much they spent for the ad time, several media companies have reported that 30-second spots were selling for between $2.5 million and $2.8 million.

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